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Do you need a fire safety certificate? We have many years of experience in issuing the following types of certifications:
Annual Fire Safety Statements (AFSS)
An annual fire safety statement must be issued each year and include all the essential fire safety measures that apply to a building. The statement also verifies that a competent fire safety practitioner has inspected and confirmed that the exit systems in the building are in compliance with the Regulation.
Interim Fire Safety Statements (IFSS)
The interim fire safety certificate covers each essential fire safety measure specified in the fire safety schedule for the part of the building to which the certificate relates (i.e. part occupation of a building).
Final Fire Safety Statements (FFSS)
The final fire safety certificate covers each essential fire safety measure specified in the fire safety schedule for the completed building.
Supplementary Fire Safety Statement (SFSS)
A supplementary fire safety statement is a statement issued by or on behalf of the building owner(s) that each critical fire safety measure has been assessed by an accredited practitioner (fire safety) and found to be capable of performing to a standard required by the fire safety schedule.

Accredited Practitioners

From July 1st 2020 the NSW Government approved changes to the Fire Protection industry.

This means that individuals holding FSA accreditation, as appropriate, are now 'Accredited Practitioners (Fire Safety)' under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (formerly competent fire safety practitioners) and are the only ones who can endorse fire safety measures on an annual or supplementary fire safety statement.

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